Massimo Lovati is an artist, photographer and communicator (journalist). Born in Genoa in 1948. At the earliest painter and graphic artist, Rocco Borella’s student, he joined the collective REC (Concrete Cosmetic Research) in 1976. In the same year, (Genoa), later founded with the other artists the Visual Production Center and set up workshops. He participated in various collective exhibitions of prestige including “Constructivism, Structuralism, Neoconcretism, New Painting” (Genova 1977). The same year, in May, in Monteghirfo, the installation: “Monolith, the occluded, reflected, photographed landscape”: seven photographs, in vertical sequence, repeat the times of a visual discovery of the landscape, moving from below. The landscape hidden from the surface of a panel / mirror is returned to the photograph on one side and retrieved in reflection on the other. In 1978 in Genoa: Action / Installation: “The monument as a support, the monument hiding” polemic and ironic re-activation of an “other” space, the monumental spur, architectural ambiguity that hides, under innocuous appearances, an exhaust vent . “Modular Structures” at Palazzetto Rosso (Genova 1978) and “Spazio Chromatico” at the Cassa di Risparmio di Genova e Imperia (Genoa 1979). He begins to experiment in photography: he changes the medium, or rather becomes a privileged medium, but does not change the artistic result. Black and white photography on the streets of Genoa capable of giving a true face to the “invisible”, the marginalized, the homeless, realized in this period, in addition to being resumed at the moment from the city’s newspapers are rhinitis published a few years later in a Minibook “The Disinherited” by the cultural association 1015. It is in 1981 the performance “Automanifestation and self-identification of the body” with the use of Polaroid. Also in 1981 the exhibition “Carene” (monochrome elaborations). In 1982: “Garibaldi faces looking at precarious double” (16 “stretch” graphics and a book in photocopies). In 1983, at the Municipal Theater of the Genoa Opera, the exhibition “San Giorgio and the Dragon, an irony of an absence” is set up: 9 black and white photo-graffiti, with the elimination of the media tones of the port of Genoa, Graphic insertion of the figure of a dragon.
In the same years he began his research on dynamism and as a logical consequence he came into contact with Sport, better with almost all sports. Two-way experimentation begins: likelihood and de-formation. The first takes him with the exasperated use of both wide-ranging and telephoto lenses to exalt the action, the athlete’s gesture at the Olympics, the World Championships of various sports and consequently to “innovate traditional sports photography” as he did to say at the time Franco Lefevre the famous Photoeditor of the weekly attached to Repubblica, named”Venerdi di Repubblica” The second leads him to reinterpret creatively, artistically the sh apes and colors of motion, and dynamism both during the shooting and processing (first chemistry then digital). . It operates on the side of communication and art in parallel until 2000, when it mainly focuses on the use of the photographic machine as a tool for making art.
Not just images inspired by sports: the traditional landscape and the urban landscape, the individual is interpreted photographically in a conceptual “dynamic” key. Many the exhibitions from the researches of all these years.
Here the most significant:
- They Are Coming – Milan, 1985.
- Chromodynamics – Exhibition and multimedia event set up by Enimont in the Monza Autodrome for the 61st Grand Prix of Italy, 1990.
- Necessary indispensable- Rotonda of Via Besana Milan (Collective) 1991
- Colors and Magic – 1994 Rome, Florence, Milan, Bologna, 1995.
- Occupation Photographer- open space Municipality of Milan, (collective) 1995
- Chromoliquide perceptions – Imperia, Rome 1997.
- Photo Grafie – Seville, Milan, Genoa, Busto Arsizio1997.
- Lanterna and surroundings – International Boat Show in Genoa 1997
- International Fair Color Flow of Genoa 1998
- Alchemy – Perth, Lausanne, Biella, Imperia, 1998.
- Toward an exhibition – Davis Cup (Italy-India), Genoa 1998.
- From Ferrari to Ferrari: Imola 1998 (collective)
- The Way of the Challenge – Asti, 1999.
- Decolor-action – Genoa, Museum of Sport, 2001.
- Tracks – Genova, 2001.
- Crossing the sport – Pontremoli, 2004.
- Astronomical Astronomical Actions – Genoa 2004
- Exhibition at Orvieto Photography – Palazzo dei Sette, 2005.
- Beyond the Sport – Lebowski Gallery, Genoa 2005.
- Assonances – Galleria Fontana Studio, Albisola Marina (SV), 2005. (two shows with Luciano Fiannacca
- Perceptual Changes – Doge’s Palace, Minor Council Hall, Genoa, 2005.
- Solid Water – under the Mondo Mare Festival (Lavagna, Lerici, Savona, S.Remo) 2007
- The Fast Color – Red Palace Genoa 2007
- Photo- Graphics- Art Gallery Open Lab Genova 2008 (collective)
- “Old & new action” photographic installation – Polisportivo Sori 2009 Complex
- “Fourth Rock: photographs of an idea”- US. Quarto and Museo Garibaldino, Genoa April / May 2010
- Preview of an exhibition: “Hands” – Branch CheBanca Genoa, June 2010
- Sport as a Pretext, CONI Sport Federation House, Genoa May 2 to June 1, 2011
- Hands, Palazzo Gradari Pesaro May 2012
- Frames of a search CONI Sport Federations House Genoa October – December 2012
- Frames of a Search (Show Itinerant) Space Ex UPIM Macerata October 2013
- Photo Permanent Exposition, (36 pieces), Sport Federations House, Genoa from Genuary 2016
Numerous lithographs and photo prints in circulation of 100 or 150 copies, collected in edited folders for Entities, Companies or for exhibitions. Lately Lovati likes to print images on 10/15 specimens limited edition baritas in size from 50 cm x 70 cm up or in series of 100/150 copies in size 30 cm x 40 cm. His photo-graphs ( Foto – grafie) were used by Primo Canale Television and for the stage sets of the Primo Canale Sport studio.
- Minibook “I diseredati” a cura dell’associazione culturale 1015 (Anni 70)
- Il leggendario Gran Premio d’Italia (dal 1921 al 1989), Cover, 1989 a cura di Paolo Montagna
- FOTO Magazine Tecnica e Immagini dei Grandi Fotografi,Massimo Lovati , 1997
- Genoa la nostra favola,Edizioni Di Pietro, Dicembre 2002
- La Grande Samp dal 1979 al 1994, Edizioni Di Pietro, Dicembre 2002
- I Relitti Immersioni nella storia, La Haven pag. 140,141,142,143.Edizioni White Star
- Italia 1945 2005 Le grandi Fotografie della Nostra Storia. Sport 1995-2005 pag. 29,34.Hachette 2006
- Italia 1945 2005 Le grandi Fotografie della Nostra Storia 1999 – 2000 pag 21, Hachette 2006
- Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Photo Book,, Kodak Digilabs, 2008
His works are preserved in the following museums:
- Museum of Modern Art – New York Usa
- Museum of Modern Art – Melbourne Australia
- Museum of Contemporary Art – Sidney Australia
- Provincial Museum Voor Photos -Antwerp Belgium
- Musee d’Art Moderne – Bruxel Belgium
- Museu de Arte Moderna – San Paolo Brazil
- Museu de Arte Moderna – Rio de Janeiro Brazil
- Italian Cultural Institute -Toronto Canada
- Kunstmuseum – Bonn Germany
- Museum fur Moderne Kunst – Frankfurt – Germany
- Marthalle Moderne Kunst – Stuttgart Germany
- M.A.C. Galleries Contemporaines – Marseille France
- Museet for Fotokunst- Odensee Denmark
- Museum of Contemporary Art – Helsinki Finland
- Center Georges Pompidou – Paris France
- Musee d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris – Paris France
- Tsaritsyno Museum – Moscow Russia
- Museum of Modern Art – Barcelona Spain
- Italian Institute of Culture – Madrid Spain
- Modern Museet – Stockholm Sweden
- Swiss Foundation of Photography – Zurich Switzerland
- Getty Museum – Malibu Cal Usa
- San Francisco Museum of Modern Art – S. Francisco Usa
- Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography-Tokyo Japan
- Solomon Guggenheim Museum – New York Usa
- International Center of Photography – New York Usa
- Museum of Modern Art – Haifa Israel
- Civic Gallery of Modern Art -Torino Italy
- Italian Academy – London England
- Museum of Villa Croce – Genoa Italy
- Museo Garibaldino Genoa Italy
- Cassini Museum Perinaldo-Imperia
His works are part of the Carige Bank collection and are listed in the volume “Banca Carige’s artistic heritage “that came out in January 2008. Over the years, the most prestigious magazine of Photography, Foto Magazine, Photo Notiziario, Photo Pro, Il Fotografo, Professional Photographer , Il Fotografo Professionista (Kodak), Photo Professional, Progresso Fotografico Reflex, Zoom,,Zoom International ,Photographies Magazine, Foto Cult, Fotocamere Digitali, Photo Professional, Photoprofessional Specials, etc. have repeatedly dedicated a lot of space to his images and research.
Magazines, Daylies , sport Daylies in both Italy and abroad have published his photographs: Airone, American Football Magazine (Germany), Aqua, Autosport (UK), Blue, Car (UK), Class, Crol (Spain) Expansion, Excelsior, Gazzetta dello Sport, Gente, Gente Motori, Gente Viaggi, Corriere Mercantile, I’M Magazine, King, Nuova Ecologia,Epoca, Espresso, Espresso Sport, La Gazzetta del Lunedi, La Gazzetta dello Sport Magazine, Lo Sport Italiano, Max, No Limits World, Offshore Tribune, Today, Panorama, Porti e Servizi, Pratica, Repubblica, Segno, Soprattutto, Spazio Sport, Sports Magazine (Austria), Sport USA, Sports Week, Superbowl, Superfootball, Swimming World (USA), The World of Swimming,Sorrisi e Canzoni TV, Touchdovn, Trade international business monthly,Tutto Musica e Spettacolo, Uomo Mare, Viaggiare,Waterpolo (Greece) …
In the volume “The World of Communication” of the textbook for the two-year high school “Interpretation of the World” (edited by Leila Corsi, G.B. Palumbo Editore, 2001), a chapter was devoted to the section dedicated to photography. In dvd n ° 15 of the “Digital Photography Course in Dvd” of DeAgostini in newsstand in 2009 and subsequent re-releases, an interview in the Meetings section is shown. His photographs for posters, brochures, paper and web advertising for the Missing Film Festival 2010.
Photo agencies that spread his photographs: AGF (Rome) (with whom he still works), Farabola, Olympia Photocracker, Blue Team. Some companies that took advantage of his creative collaboration: Akron, Arena, Baby Cresci, Canon, Diadora, Diana, Encyclopedia Treccani, Enichem, Enimont, Fiat, International Genoa, IP, KEO, OMP, Paul Picot, Polipodio, , Radio Italia, SECH, Speedo, Stiassi, and various Italian and Foreign Sports Federations.
In 2004, Lovati received the National AWARD for Photography: Bancarella Sport. In 2004-2005 he has been working with the Degree Course in Motor Science, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of Genoa. For several years he has been holding practical ,theoretical courses of photography, seminars and workshops for Schools, Higher Institutes, Entities, Associations, Companies, APhoto Shops, Professional and Amateur photographers . In the high School Liceo Cassini, Genoa, courses of photography from 1997 until 2016.
Let’s remember his workshop “Photographing the Movement, Interpreting the Movement” for Confartigianato, on November 13, 2011 at the Palazzo della Borsa of Genoa, its Photographic Projection Workshop, the Canon Photography Week in December 2011 in Milan. Workshops for Canon and CNA Pesaro dedicated to families on May 26-27, 2012, Seminar and Workshop. September 29, 2013 in the salon and in the vineyards of the Montesissa wine-growing company (Carpaneto di Piacenza) for Camera Service Milano ( Canon Official Center Assistence and Repair)
Massimo Lovati uses now for profession only Digital Canon camera equipment (Eos 1DX,Eos 1DX MarkII, Eos 5D MarkII, Eos 5D MarkIII, Eos 5D Mark IV), compact Canon Powershot, G12, G16, G1X.He also uses vintage cameras, Optical Bench, Stenopeic Cameras, Toy Camera, Rensha Cardia 16, Instant Camera, Iphone 5s, GoPro 3+, 4 ,5 Black, Richo Teta 360°.